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New Empty Nester? Refresh Your Surroundings

Writer: Wallbeds n' MoreWallbeds n' More

If you’ve recently become an empty nester, it can feel overwhelming to decide what you want to do with your children’s old rooms. At Wallbeds n’ More in Rocklin, California we have some great ideas for how to tackle this transition in your life and make the most out of your space. A key component is the wall bed which will allow the room to be used as you'd like on a daily basis, while still providing a comfortable place to sleep for your child when they return for visits and holiday breaks.

Find your Passion

With extra time on your hands and extra space in your home, now is the perfect time to find a new passion or new hobbies to focus on. Take your time exploring what you are interested in, especially those things you may never have had a chance to try before but always wanted to.

If no ideas come to mind, try taking a look at your local Parks and Rec website or your local community college catalog. Whether you have wanted to learn how to sew, to play an instrument, take on woodworking, paint artwork, or learn a whole new language, the empty nest phase of your life is the perfect opportunity to try something novel.

Create Your Space

Once you’ve selected a new hobby or two, it’s time to create the perfect space for it! If you are going to focus on working out and getting fit or taking dancing lessons, we have several wallbed options that pair perfectly with a home gym or dance floor. By choosing a simple wallbed design with a minimalist approach, you can have plenty of floor space once the bed is pulled up into the wall that can then be utilized for a yoga mat, an exercise bike, or even online dance or aerobics classes.

Make it Easy to Stay Organized

Adding a Murphy bed bookcase or Murphy bed cabinet to your new furniture will also add ample room for storage in your newly refurbished room. If you’d like to learn a new hands-on skill like sewing for example, our wallbed table units would be excellent for that new endeavor.

Murphy bed table options are excellent if you like to work with your hands by doing models, working on that novel you’ve always wanted to publish, or taking a class on the computer to learn more about a subject you’ve always been curious about. You could also choose a Murphy bed model with the option of a corner desk such as the Glen Ellyn wallbed to create an entire crafting or sewing corner in the room!

Our table Murphy beds have tabletops that fold right down from the front of the cabinet and can easily be put back again without much strength or effort. In this way you are able to create the perfect spot for your hobbies while still leaving room for your now-adult children when they return home for a visit.

With drawers, custom lighting, and even an option to add a wardrobe to hold clothes, a Murphy bed furniture system could be life-changing in regards to developing your new hobby while keeping your space organized and available for overnight stays at the same time.

A Great Time to Redecorate

While you might feel a little odd turning your son or daughter‘s bedroom into a new guest suite or crafting room, they will likely appreciate the increased functionality of your home especially if you leave a few touches of their old room for sentimental value. One creative idea is to save a piece of cloth from their comforter or old quilt and mount and frame it on the wall in the newly redesigned room.

You shouldn’t feel guilty for redecorating during this time, as your home can signify this new chapter while still keeping your children close. Having a brand new hobby or skill to show your children when they come home can also help them know that you are happy and comfortable even though they are no longer living at home. When you are making use of the room, it can allow them to feel like their former room is still serving a purpose and bringing you joy.

At Wallbeds “n” More in Rocklin we know each season of life carries its special treasures and challenges, and we want to be there to help you through this transition by making the empty space feel a little less empty.

Custom Wall Beds

When you browse our collection of wallbed furniture online you will find that our Murphy beds come in a Twin size wallbed all the way up to a Queen size Murphy bed. Our mattresses are sold separately so that you can select the one most comfortable for your child when they visit, depending upon what size and firmness level is right for them.

Once you have looked through the variety of options on our website, make an appointment with one of our knowledgeable space-saving experts or simply stop by during store hours. We are happy to give you a tour of the showroom and help you customize your wallbed to make it the most stylish and functional piece of furniture in your home.

We look forward to helping you give your newfound space new purpose, meaning, and joy! At Wallbeds n’ More, we are the premier wallbed supplier in Northern California and have helped thousands of people make their home renovation dreams a reality.

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